Selasa, 29 November 2016

Requesting Service Letters

Bekasi, 29 November 2016

Number         : Ist
Attachment   : -
Subject          : Request Building Rental

Dear :
Mr Prakoso As Leaders
in Bekasi

With respect,
The undersigned below :

Name                                     : Rizka Desianny Winata
Name Agency / Company     : GINIGINIMULU
Address                                  : Harapan Palsu, Bekasi Barat
Tel                                          : 085777223344

        Hereby apply to rent GINIGINIMULU High School Building. In order to hold inter Student Selection Model West Java Province. In connection with this, we need more information regarding the availability of the room as well as the applicable regulations.
       Thus our petition. For the good cooperation we thank you.

Best regards,

Headmaster of Cindera Mata

Bekasi, 30 November 2016

Number         : 2st
Attachment   : -
Subject          : The reception building rental

Dear :
Headmaster of Cindera Mata
in Bekasi

With respect,
        I hereby accept the rental of the building. I rented a building capacity of 300 people, there are 2 tables for judges and guests importantly, a magnificent stage 1, and 300 chairs with overstuffed sofas.
        If you agree please contact us again and perform administration on 08577686978

Best regards,

Mr, Prakoso Mulyanto

Rabu, 02 November 2016


Dialogue Can Speak Directly With The People Who Are Targeted

A : Good afternoon, PT. MELARAT TERUS here, can I help you ?

B : Can I speak with Mr. Purab Chatergee please ?

A : Sorry, who is speaking ?

B : My name is Abi Manab

A : Could you please spell your name ?

B : Sure, it’s A-B-I M-A-N-A-B

A : Okay, please wait a minute I will transferring your call

B : Okay, I will waiting

C : Hello

B : What is this with Mr. Purab Chatergee ?

C : Yes, speaking

B : I want to say that this evening meeting will be held at 08.00 pm in your office

A : Okay, I will prepare and I will wait

B : Okay, thank you

Dialogue Appointments

A : Good morning, PT. KAPAN SUKSESNYA here, can I help you ?

B : Can I speak with Ms. Bhulbhul please ?

A : Sorry, who is speaking ?

B : My name is Pragya Caroline

A : Could you please spell your name ?

B : Sure, it’s P-R-A-G-Y-A C-A-R-O-L-I-N-E

A : Sorry, I thought she was busy. Do you want to leave a message ?

B : Sure, please tell his that we are going to have a meeting this evening at 07.30 pm in flower restaurant

A : Okay, I’ll pass the message

B : Okay, thank you

Dialogue Canceled Appointments

A : Good afternoon, PT. KURANG ZAKAT here, can I help you ?

B : Could I speak to Mr. Shuresh Shing please ?

A : Who is calling ?

B : My name is Alya Siagian

A : Could you plese spell your name ?

B : Sure, it’s A-L-Y-A S-I-A-G-I-A-N

A : Sorry, I thought she was busy. Do you want to leave a message ?

B : Sure, please tell him that the meeting this evening was canceled because I was sick

A : Okay, I’ll pass the message

B : Okay, thank you

Email about Appointment


Jln. Inajadulu

Bekasi Barat

August 12, 2016

Number : 007/sp/jt/09

Mr. Abang Cendol



Jln. Terus Capek

Bogor 16820

Attractions : Request Appointments

Dear Mr. Abang Cendol,

Our director, Mr. Minion Yellow intends to hold a meeting to talk business with PT. PENDEKATAN MULU JADIAN KAGAK Tbk, Mr. Abang Cendol, the meeting we plan on

Day/ Date : Monday, August 17, 2016

At               : 08.00 pm

Place         : Hotel Santika Harapan Indah, Bekasi

Regarding the above, we would like to know whether the father can receive visits our Director. We are waiting for a response to the proposal of the meeting, on the attention you, we thank you.


Secretary Director